The last 30 days and the next 30

The last 30 days have been interesting to say the least. I finished university, started a job, turned 26, survived Christmas, and escaped for New Years. I also lost a grandparent. To say I handled all that well would be an understatement. I didn’t give myself enough time between transitioning from a student into the working world. I set myself up for failure and disappointing myself. I did however finish university, finally. And I still started the new year the way I wanted too. With a good friend and lots of laughter instead of spending the whole weekend wondering when life would take my grandpa. 

Despite a few things that I couldn’t control, I take full responsibility for my shortcomings. I’ve learned that I need to be and stay organized to feel in control and I need to take better care of my body. I’ve been living one day at a time for far too long. This is the only way I’m going to swim, otherwise I’ll continue sinking. 

So the next 30 days I will have better intentions. I used this whole weekend to meal plan, shop, go to the gym, do laundry, put things away, make room in the kitchen, cook, and make my meals for the next couple of days. 

I intend on forming habits, making changes like I did this weekend (such as cooking with coconut oil) and doing my best to stay away from temptations including sweets, chocolate, sugar, salt, carbs. 

I hate all the pressure that working out and eating well places on you because of the fear of failing. But I’ve had that fear hundreds of times and I always got it done in the end. This is no different and I’ve never been able to give it an honest try.

Crossing my fingers this will help the next 30 days go smoother. 


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